News Release
Investment Company Institute Announces Inaugural Research Summer Workshop
February 13, 2024—ICI announced its Inaugural Research Summer Workshop on Regulated Funds and Retail...
ICI Viewpoints
2021 Investment Company Fact Book: Letter from the Chief Economist
A version of this letter by ICI Chief Economist Sean Collins was released in the Institute’s 61st...
ICI Viewpoints
On Closer Look, a Very Different Picture of Funds’ Role in the Commercial Paper Market
New analysis by ICI shows that prime money market funds did not pull back significantly from the...
ICI Viewpoints
Previous Reform Made Prime Funds Less Resilient This Time Around
Even as the market turmoil triggered by strict government mandates and social distancing due to the...
ICI Viewpoints
Growth in Bond Mutual Funds: A Question of Balance
Why have bond mutual funds grown substantially in the past several years? There are two possible...
ICI Viewpoints
Growth in Bond Mutual Funds: See the Whole Picture
In the past decade, a number of regulators and academics have discussed concerns about the growth in...
ICI Viewpoints
What’s in a Name, Redux: For Bond Mutual Funds, “Corporate” Matters
Policymakers around the globe are studying the turmoil in March 2020 related to the COVID-19...
ICI Viewpoints
Bond Mutual Fund Outflows: A Measured Investor Response to a Massive Shock
The evidence about what happened to financial markets in March 2020 is still far too mixed and...