News Release

News Release

ICI Hires Kelly S. Hitchcock as Director, Financial Services Policy

Washington, DC, September 11, 2017—The Investment Company Institute (ICI) has named Kelly S. Hitchcock as director, financial services policy. She will report to Chief Government Affairs Officers and Co-heads Donald C. Auerbach and Dean R. Sackett III.

Before joining ICI, Hitchcock worked for the House Appropriations Committee, where she served as senior staff on the Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee. Her portfolio encompassed several federal regulators, including the Treasury Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Over the course of 11 years with the committee, she helped analyze federal budget requests to Congress and craft annual appropriations legislation.

“We are excited and fortunate to welcome Kelly to the ICI team,” said Auerbach. Sackett added: “Her vast experience on financial services policy issues will be a tremendous asset to our work on behalf of the fund industry and its 95 million shareholders.”

Hitchcock graduated from The George Washington University with a bachelor’s degree in political science, and holds a master’s degree in public administration from American University. She was a senior fellow of the Stennis Center for Public Service Leadership in the 113th Congress.