News Release

News Release

ICI Education Foundation Advocates for Investor Education During Financial Literacy Month

Capitol Hill Financial Literacy Day to Feature ICIEF Educational Display

Washington, DC, April 3, 2017—The Investment Company Institute Education Foundation (ICIEF) is showcasing ways to develop and maintain healthy financial habits during the month of April—Financial Literacy Month. As part of its outreach, ICIEF will participate in a public event on Capitol Hill, joining more than 50 government, for-profit, and nonprofit entities to stress the importance of investor education. ICIEF will also use the occasion of Financial Literacy Month to encourage Americans to take advantage of a range of online resources that can help with financial learning and planning.

“Investor education is an essential part of financial literacy, and ICIEF is working to ensure that more Americans understand how investment tools like mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can play a critical role in achieving personal financial goals,” said Tina Kilroy, vice president at ICIEF. “It’s always a good time to check up on your finances, but Financial Literacy Month helps provide focused opportunities to get smarter about money.”

Individuals interested in participating in Financial Literacy Month can learn more about developing healthy financial habits with the help of these tips and resources:

Join ICIEF on Capitol Hill. ICIEF will display its “Investing Road Trip” educational exhibit and scavenger hunt game during the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy Capitol Hill Day on April 28. The event is open to the public from noon to 3:00 p.m. in rooms 2043–2045 of the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. The event will feature remarks from elected officials and a complimentary buffet lunch.

Contribute to an IRA. Join the 40 million US households that own an individual retirement account (IRA) and learn how opening an IRA can help you save for retirement—and save at tax time. Until Tax Day on April 18, workers can make contributions to an IRA and may be able to claim a deduction on their 2016 returns.

Start on the path to financial wellness. Follow this 30-step path to improve money management, starting by examining attitudes about money.

Check out these educational tools and games. The website of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission,, offers free resources from more than 20 federal government agencies.

Do your “due diligence” on investments. Learn how to research investments and financial professionals before making an investment decision.

Explore the future of financial literacy. Sign up for a free webcast of the Financial Literacy Summit 2017 on April 12 that will focus on overcoming barriers to financial literacy.

Visit a local library. Locations around the country offer fun and informative events designed to help savers better manage their personal finances during Money Smart Week, April 22–29.

Teach kids about money. According to a survey from T. Rowe Price, parents who discuss financial topics with their kids at least once a week are nearly twice as likely to have kids who say they are smart about money. Teach Children to Save Day is April 29.