ICI Viewpoints

ICI Viewpoints

30 Tips to Celebrate 30 Years of Investor Education

By Christina Kilroy

For 30 years, the ICI Education Foundation has pursued its mission to advance investor education by developing, delivering, and promoting investor education to diverse audiences across a range of ages and life stages—from middle school students to senior citizens, and from those new to the workforce to retirement savers.

Two of the foundation’s current partnerships reflect its history of reaching out to a range of audiences. With Junior Achievement, ICIEF brings investor education to 35,000 middle school students each year. And with the Robert Toigo Foundation, ICIEF supports its mission to foster the career advancement of underrepresented talent in the financial services industry.

Investing has changed significantly in the past 30 years, but the need for investor education has remained. As we kick off our celebration of the foundation’s anniversary in October, we will be sharing tips for successful investing—one tip for each of the foundation’s 30 years—on our social media accounts over the coming weeks.

Catch all the investing tips on Twitter at #30tipsfor30years.

Be sure to follow ICIEF on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook for more investing insights, and find more resources on investing on the ICI Education Foundation website.